Yogyakarta city is the provincial capital and administrative center in Yogyakarta. Bantul and Sleman are two districts which directly adjacent to the city of Yogyakarta. Although the city of Yogyakarta only has an area of 32.5 km2 (1.02% of Daerah lstimewa Yogyakarta), but the urban effect exceed that area.

His research aims to identify urban sprawl levels and factors that influence these levels in sub urban areas of Yogyakarta. The method used in this research is the survey method and equipped with secondary data. The secondary data are originated from Districts in Numbers volume 1990-2014, an issue of the Office of Statistics (BPS) of Sleman and Bantul.

Seminar Nasional : Peran Geografi dalam Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Wilayah NKRI di Era Teknologi